Our Services

We specialize in management of specific plans, complex urban development projects, and the environmental analysis and entitlement work to support their success.  The following services range from concept development and testing to construction management.

Urban Planning

  • Specific plans, general plans & housing element updates

  • Public workshops and presentations

  • Zoning & subdivision ordinances & special studies

  • Growth management studies & implementation ordinances

  • Land use feasibility analyses and development plan preparation

  • Project-level general and specific plan compatibility analyses

  • Planning & entitlement of commercial, industrial & mixed-use projects

  • Historic preservation planning & documentation

  • Resource & habitat conservation programs & implementation strategies

  • Sustainability planning & climate action plans

  • Vineyard feasibility planning & constraints mitigation

Construction Management & Marketing

  • Site improvement and construction operations oversight

  • Construction contract management

  • Budgeting and bid management

  • Marketing coordination for entitled and completed projects

Planning Program Management

  • Coordination of interdisciplinary project teams

    • Acoustics, architectural, biological, civil, economic, & traffic

  • Public agency and citizen group liaison

  • Public hearing representation and presentations

  • Economic development studies

  • Opportunity & constraints analyses & mapping

  • Infrastructure capacity, cost analyses, & spread methodology

  • Public policy analyses & incentive programs

Annexations & Municipal Service Reviews

  • Sphere of influence and annexation feasibility analyses

  • Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg compliance studies

  • Boundary reorganizations & municipal service plans

  • Fiscal impact analyses

  • Public outreach & presentations

Environmental Analyses

  • Initial studies & mitigated negative declarations

  • Environmental impact reports & combined EIR / EIS studies

  • Mitigation design, testing & implementation (MMRP)

  • Viewshed impact analyses & simulations

  • Energy conservation and global climate change analysis

  • Greenhouse gas project modeling (E.g., URBEMIS and BGM)

Expert Witness Testimonials

  • Consultation to provide expert opinions on all elements of land use planning, zoning, subdivision, environmental review, & project entitlement

  • Deposition and trial testimony

  • Arbitration services to resolve conflicts in matters involving project entitlement rights and permit compliance