Mixed-Use Projects

Retail & Medical Center

City of San Leandro, 2010

We were contracted by one of the affected owners to review and analyze the draft EIR for a large mixed-use commercial and institutional project proposed south of Marina Boulevard and east of Merced Street in west San Leandro. Our analysis focused in part on the environmental baseline, rate and distribution of traffic generation associated with the hospital component of the project, and its unmitigated effect on area wide traffic flow and emergency services. Based on our collaboration with traffic engineers and others to correctly quantify projected peak period traffic flows, we set about examination of new alternatives not previously examined in the DEIR. Our analysis led to a series of specific recommendations to lessen otherwise overwhelming significant congestion impacts, including the acquisition of additional right-of-way to construct additional travel lanes and access points to serve the hospital use. Our coordinated analysis also included analysis of safety impacts, disruption to local businesses and interference with emergency vehicle access throughout this portion of industrialized San Leandro. Loewke Planning also conducted extensive community outreach focusing on local businesses and employees, which included community meetings and presentations.