Residential Projects

Park Ridge Planned Community

City of Antioch, 2010

Antioch’s East Lone Tree Specific Plan was adopted in 1996 with planning, environmental review, and entitlement services provided by Loewke Planning. While it was originally contemplated that individual residential, commercial, and employment projects would all subsequently proceed without need for further environmental analysis, market conditions changed and individual projects were either delayed or revised. Loewke Planning was again retained in 2010 to lead a team of consultants in the preparation of a focused environmental analysis for the 525-lot Park Ridge subdivision. This 170-acre project site is situated adjoining existing residential neighborhoods to the west and south, and the State Route 4 Bypass freeway to the east. Key issues addressed and resolved through the environmental analysis included:

  1. Verification and mitigation of on-site habitat usage and seasonal nesting by several pair of burrowing owls;

  2. Analysis of peak traffic demands in relationship to current, near-term and long-term capacity conditions at all affected intersections and roadway segments; and

  3. Analysis of project-specific land use, noise, aesthetics, air quality, related biological resources, public services and other cumulative issues in relation to General Plan and Specific Plan EIR thresholds, and the standards set forth in CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 for use of Addenda.

Park Ridge has been a success for the developer, Davidon Homes. The project was phased to adapt to changing market needs, and to accommodate staging of major roadway and infrastructure improvements.  A large central open space preserve was created with integral pedestrian access from all surrounding residential streets.