Mixed-Use Projects

Moraga Center Specific Plan

Town of Moraga, 2016

Moraga's General Plan has long advocated the preparation of a specific plan for the 189-acre downtown Moraga Center area. A Specific Plan program has initiated in 2005, involving a collaborative effort between land owners and the Town, focused on developing a plan which would have the potential to achieve economic viability while strengthening the “semi-rural” character of Moraga. Loewke Planning led preparation of the Specific Plan, including its land use, circulation, housing and implementation policies. This work was stimulated by the findings of fiscal impact and market studies completed by the Town, showing substantial sales tax “leakage” in Moraga, where 3 of every 4 dollars spent by local residents were occurring outside the community. Extensive public outreach efforts were conducted, demonstrating a strong local interest in providing housing for seniors, college faculty (St. Mary’s College is in Moraga) and other workforce elements, as well as specialty retail and local services. The process led to the preparation of a draft downtown Specific Plan which was refined over a period of more than two years through economic feasibility testing, analysis of local service needs, and refinement of housing products in order to meet mandatory RHNA allocations. If successful, this program will lead to renovation of the aging Moraga Center, delivery of local fair-share housing, creation of an expanded cultural and retail “downtown” center, and generation of municipal revenues to support on-going public services.