Commercial, Office, and Industrial Projects

Holy Cross Cemetery & Funeral Center

City of Antioch, 2011

Loewke Planning was retained by the City of Antioch to perform an environmental analysis and prepare the corresponding CEQA documentation for a planned funeral center to be constructed as an expansion of an established cemetery on East 18th Street serving the eastern Contra Costa County communities. The contemplated improvements included a 10,600 square foot funeral chapel and office building, associated parking, utility connections and landscaping, on 2.3 acres situated between the existing cemetery and the Delta Villa Mobile Home Park. Key issues identified and successfully resolved through analysis and mitigation included quantification and reduction of noise transmission otherwise affecting adjoining residents during evening hours, redesign of parking facilities to reduce impacts and ensure adequacy of supply, selection and placement of lighting facilities to prevent spill-over onto residential properties, avoidance of biological impacts associated with removal of established vegetation, and integration of site improvements with C3 storm water control devices to minimize water quality effects. The draft Initial Study, MND and MMRP prepared by Loewke Planning were ultimately adopted, facilitating implementation of the refined project.