Mixed-Use Projects

Downtown Antioch Specific Plan

City of Antioch, 2015

The City of Antioch retained Loewke Planning in 2014 to prepare a detailed Downtown Specific Plan focus on stimulating economic development while enhancing the character of existing retail and residential neighborhoods. LPA was also engaged to prepare a comprehensive update to the City’s General Plan Land Use Element, Land Use Map and Zoning Ordinance/Map. This program involved management of a team of consultants including Economists, Traffic and Air Quality Engineers, Acoustical and Civil Engineers, and Cultural and Biological Resource Specialists. Other important work products included a comprehensive Opportunities & Constraints report, a Zoning Ordinance review with an effort to streamline future projects, an in-depth analysis of 19 “Focus Areas” for the City-wide General Plan Update, and an extensive Community Outreach Program, including community meetings and over 25 stakeholder interviews with developers, property owners, realtors, and public group representatives, along with Joint Study Sessions of the City Council, Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission. LPA has overseen an in depth Market Analysis to evaluate job-producing uses, sales tax leakage, opportunities for stimulating business growth in the Downtown, a full housing opportunities and constraints analysis, and housing prototype pro forma analysis. Three draft Land Use Alternatives were prepared for the Downtown Specific Plan, and subsequently refined into a “Preferred Alternative” based on direction from the City Council. The community outreach and plan alternatives process for the Downtown Antioch Specific Plan were completed and endorsed by the City Council in 2015.