Residential Projects

Canyon Estates Planned Community

City of American Canyon, 2024

This beautiful 112-acres site is situated in the foothills along the easterly edge of the City of American Canyon. Based on an agreement with Napa County, the City adopted sweeping changes to its General Plan Zoning and Urban Limit Line (ULL) in 2009 to provide for annexation of the 38-acre Canyon Estates subdivision, while retaining the balance of the property as a habitat preserve in unincorporated Napa County. Prior to pursuit of annexation, Loewke Planning worked closely with City staff and elected officials to examine and test alternative land use concepts for consistency with key General Plan policies and City Priorities, including the special needs assessment in the City's Housing Element, and various economic development goals and objectives focused on strengthening and expanding the City's wine industry, tourism, and job base.

This process led to the realization that there was a lack of custom or semi-custom housing in the community for top executives of prospective new and expanding local companies, and that a strategic supply of executive housing could support locational decisions by employers in several key sectors. As a result, Canyon Estates was designed to achieve a feasible scale of development while maintaining environmental sensitivity, addressing local facility and service needs, and creating a unique residential community within walking distance of the City's future downtown. The entitlement package processed by Loewke Planning included Rezoning, General Plan Amendment, Annexation, Vesting Tentative Map, Design Guidelines, Army Corps of Engineers Permit, USFWS Biological Opinion, CDFW Streambed Alteration, and RWQCB 401 Certification.

Following entitlement, Final Map recordation, and establishment of the Canyon Estates Habitat Preserve, management of all site improvement construction and formation of the Canyon Estates Owners Association was managed by Loewke Planning. Construction was completed in 2023, and a sales program for the 35 custom and semi-custom home lots was initiated by Canyon Estates Homes LLC.  These unique one-half to one-acre lots offer views of Napa Valley, parts of San Francisco Bay, and the Napa River.  They are easily accessible from the I-80 corridor, and close to both the Napa County Airport,  and excellent local schools and amenities in American Canyon and Napa Valley.

For more information on Canyon Estates, please visit our dedicated Canyon Estates Homes website.