Commercial, Office, and Industrial Projects

Antioch Northeast Annexation

City of Antioch, 2005

This study examined the potential for stimulating employment production and property tax revenues within an older industrial area while concurrently generating revenues to facilitate the extension of water and sewer services to an adjoining neighborhood northeast of the City of Antioch. Completed by a team of consultants under the direction of Loewke Planning, the study examined the potential for adaptive re-use and expansion of industrial properties on 678 acres within the City's Sphere of Influence, including the costs and revenues associated with annexation and servicing of the area. The site, which borders the City of Oakley and the San Joaquin River, contains an existing power plant, a mix of established heavy industrial and commercial uses, several large vacant parcels, and an older residential neighborhood. Key issues included unique infrastructure needs and potential land use compatibility complications associated with the presence of 169 registered voters residing within a portion of the Study Area currently served by individual septic systems and private wells. The Feasibility Report examined the prerequisites for annexation, provided both an overall assessment of fiscal impacts including projected service costs and municipal revenues from future development, as well as a plan for delivering needed infrastructure and for completing the formal environmental review and recommended phased boundary reorganization steps.